No Mueras Polilla


The commissions are made around 14 to 21 business days, depending on my work queue. You can check my current and finished commission on my Trello List

Trello is a platform where I organize my commissions depending on the part of the process I'm in. Here's the list with each stage of the process:
○ Pending payment: it means I haven't received your payment yet or that you have a spot reserved to work with me this month!
○ In the queue: it means I haven't started your order yet, or I'm still organizing the information required such as character references, pose, color palette, etc.
○ Sketch: this is the longest part of the process, your order can appear here for the first couple of weeks since I'm used to refining the sketch at least five times before I'm happy with the final results.
○ Line art + color: I have lots of experience doing line art and flat colors, this process is pretty fast and can be made in two to three hours. You will receive your final piece the same or the next day after being under this status.
○ Final details: it means I'm doing the shading, background, editing, or applying filters to make this piece look perfect before sending you the final file. This status depends on the order you make, icons and reference sheets can be made in under an hour, and full illustrations stay longer under this status.
○ Completed: the final art piece has been delivered! Now you are part of my portfolio and I appreciate your trust in my work. Thank you so much for being part of this process!

Sketch to finish

First draft


Line art and flat color

Shadow and light

Final piece

Delivery Dates

I used to have specific delivery dates as "November 13th" but this was stressing me out since sometimes I had to deliver the orders on "November 14th" for example, now I have a general delivery date that goes through the second week of the month and the first week of the next.
If you need a piece for a specific date you can place the commission through Fiverr, I still have specific dates and will have priority due to the platform terms and evaluations.

My Mental Health

I'm taking medication for my depression and my anxiety, all my work depends on my inspiration, and sometimes depression can affect that. This may require extensions on the delivery dates, but don't worry if I ask you for an extension it always comes with a free extra!

© No Mueras Polilla. All right reserved.